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Preliminary Results - Readers' Race

Writer's picture: Shepherd Christian SchoolShepherd Christian School

SCS students did a fantastic job in their first reading race by more than doubling the school wide goal of 10,000 minutes.  Drum roll, please...they read 21,895 TOTAL MINUTES over TEN DAYS!

There were also several milestones to reach along the way--each of the four reading group teams had benchmark goals set by their teachers which a couple groups met and already celebrated with an ice cream party.

Additionally, Group U, made up of our 4th and 5th grade classes, read the most (on average) so they will receive the group trophy on Friday in chapel when we will announce the rest of the award recipients.

Donations from sponsors are still coming in the mail and online, so the verdict is still out about our King's Dominion trip--we anticipate a decision by Friday! 

Please remind your students to reach out to their sponsors, thank them and give them the results of the race! SCS is happy to provide thank you cards and/or stamps for students who would like them. (Additionally, your student will receive a list of their sponsors.)

All proceeds from the Readers' Race will be added to our current school year's ongoing goal to establish a firm foundation at SCS through student scholarhsips and a fully-staffed teaching team!

Keep Reading, SCS!


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