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Thank you for your interest in working at Shepherd Christian School!


First, please familiarize yourself with our beliefs by reading our Statement of Faith. As a ministry of Shepherd Gate Church, our values and beliefs and overall approach align with the church. We desire to fill our open teaching and staff positions with qualified individuals who not only excel in their roles but also share a keen desire to shepherd the next generation!


We’re praying for teachers who…

  • love more than just their subject areas.

  • get excited about creating lifelong learners among elementary and junior high students.

  • can cultivate students’ strengths and giftings and come alongside them to build up weak areas.

  • who want to “shepherd” by mentoring, being a positive role model, and contributing to the formation of strong moral character.

  • are go-getters–excited about the challenge of starting a new school.

  • can be flexible in adapting to newly established positions.


How to Apply

This is a great opportunity to make a positive difference in Northern Virginia and impact the next generation! If you would like to be part of this growing ministry, please send your resume and cover letter to


Your cover letter should include your:

  1. Christian Testimony

  2. Approach to Classroom Management (if applying for a teaching position)

  3. Reason for wanting to work at Shepherd Christian School

  4. Certifications or Endorsements, if applicable

  5. Desired Position(s), first and second choice

  6. Availability for full-time, part-time or hourly employment


As a growing school entering our third academic year, we welcome employment inquiries for ALL positions and will review applications on a continual basis. ​​​



We are grateful for the volunteers who are already working behind the scenes to prepare our school for opening day. If you see a need and have a heart to fill it, please email Thank you!


Employee Nondiscrimination Policy: Shepherd Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, nationality, or ethnic origin in the hiring of its employees or in the administration of its educational and admissions policies. As a private religious educational organization, Shepherd Christian School reserves the right to select employees on the basis of job qualifications, religious commitment, moral lifestyle choices, and personal qualifications, including a willingness to cooperate with the school administration and to abide by its policies.

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