Parent Testimonials

About SCS
Biblical Worldview
Everyone has a worldview; we educate from a Christ-centered understanding of the world around us. With weekly chapel and Bible classes that include Scripture memorization and thought provoking lessons, students build a mental house of truth. As they mature, students apply these timeless truths to their daily lives, learning to be in the world, but not of it --to engage with their culture as Christ would.
Proven Approach
With back to the basics math and a strong phonics foundation, students develop strong computational skills and exceptional writing ability. Students read time-tested, classical literature, and learn history spanning the entire history of the world. Using sound logic and reason, students grow to think critically, wrestling with ideas and learning to think for themselves.
Joy Filled Learning
Through physical education, art, science, music, theater and incorporating the outdoors in the learning process, teachers encourage students to discover their God-given talents and abilities. At SCS, our students can cultivate their strengths while still improving upon weak areas, knowing God uses both!
Our Mission & Vision
Our mission is to shepherd students in an atmosphere of God’s love and presence through an education grounded in Biblical wisdom, Christian virtue, and our faith in Christ.
Our Vision for our graduates:
As lifelong learners motivated by Christ’s love and filled with the Holy Spirit, Shepherd Christian School’s students will confidently fulfill their God-given destiny and impact the world around them!